Thursday, November 10, 2016

Trump and Never Trump - Accountability and a Clean Slate

Accountability and a Clean Slate

It finally happened!!! The election is over, Trump won and Clinton lost! You know what that means? We don't have to talk about her any more in comparison to Trump! It's over. The witch is dead! The threat of a Clinton presidency is gone, probably forever. Hopefully forever.
I'm Melting!

Republicans, let's make peace. In an effort to do this, I present to you....

The Clean Slate

We can all hold him accountable to his promises, and to our values as freedom loving, Constitutional Conservatives. He has a suspicious past, but if he holds to the Constitution now, I will support him every step of the way.
Remember, it is now okay for everyone to hold Trump totally accountable now, Clinton CANNOT take the Presidency.

This is how I propose we do that.

  • #NeverTrump voters: Give him a clean slate. If he does well, give him props. There is no going back, so we might as well treat this as a new birth. A new beginning. I won't hold any of his past deeds against him, only the violations to the principles of liberty and morality from this point on. But I will also not compromise my values, nor the principles and integrity of the Constitution.
  • Trump voters: Don't make the mistake Democrats make. They are loyal to a fault. We all see it, their candidates can do no wrong. It's how the Clintons and Obama get away with.... everything. No one holds them accountable. So if he does something to violate the Constitution, if he tries to further break the Constitution, if he pursues Big Government/strong-man powers, HOLD HIM ACCOUNTABLE. That kind of behavior is NOT okay. Trump will not, cannot protect us from Big Government. We are still suffering the effects of the Patriot Act. Only the Constitution can defend us, but only if we restore it. It is not sufficient in it's current form, we need to repeal some bad Amendments.
The absolute worst thing we could do is support his every decision. We have no obligation to support him if he isn't supporting Constitutional principles. That's the oath he will take, right? Let's hold him to it. We can say, "Hey, that law is not okay. I'm not going to support him in that particular action."
Again, this is a mistake we see Democrats make all the time. They are fiercely loyal to their party and politicians to a fault. In fact, it's how the Democrats get away with, well..... murder.