Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Modern Murders and Gadianton Robbers


This article is not to say that the death of Justice Scalia was definitely murder, or subscribe to any popular conspiracy theory. It is to help correct our thinking. Too often we dismiss a conspiracy out of prejudice, even though we know that the sins of greed and lust for power are as prevalent as ever, and that the Last Days will feature evil men and evil organizations who will try to thwart the righteous.

Who Was Justice Scalia, & Why Was He Important?

Before February 14th, when America received word of his death, few Americans had probably heard of Justice Antonin Scalia. Those who had, however, likely had heard of his reputation as the head conservative on the Supreme Court of the United States of America. 

While any conservative Supreme Court Justice dying is a loss for America, Justice Scalia led the charge against destructive Liberal ideals as the last remaining "Contextualist." As a Contextualist, Scalia believed the Constitution was not a living document, subject to interpretation contrary to the original intent. He read and interpreted the Constitution according to what the Founders intended in 1787. 

He not only swung the vote for issues such as First and Second Amendment rights, he also held Justice Roberts accountable for inexplicably changing his mind in permitting Obamacare to continue. He not only held himself to a standard of morality, he also held others to the same standard. 

The loss of this man was devastating for America, and if his death was intentional, it seems unlikely that a secret combination would leave the appointment of his successor to chance. To learn about why many rationally minded people are suspicious about the death of this American patriot, check out these links here and here

Conspiracies in the Scriptures

There is a lot of uncertainty in our day. There are wars and rumors of wars. Earthquakes in diverse places. I don't know when the Lord is coming, but the earth is being prepared for a cleansing of the wicked. In the words of President Ezra Taft Benson, "The only questions, before the final victory, are, first, 'What stand will each of us take in this struggle?' and second, 'How much tragedy can be avoided by doing something now?'"
-An Enemy Hath Done This, pg 62

To better prepare ourselves, let's do a quick review to see what we can learn from the scriptures about secret combinations in the government:

Our Constitution is among the regulations 
that have been destroyed.

"it" being the Book of Mormon," meaning there are definitely 
active secret combinations at this time  

Notice the violation of laws and rights of the people, as well as the plans to eliminate good people to gain power.

I want to focus, for a moment, on this last scripture. The curse has always referred to as destruction, and "the land" means the Americas. However, the important part isn't the curse, its the last line, "except they repent." We have heard that the Constitution will be saved, and I have a video on it later in the article. 

This scripture gives us the most hope, because as Elder Holland and President Benson will be sharing with us shortly, we will be victorious! 

Modern Prophets Speak on Secret Combinations

What Can We Do?

Is there anything we can do? What is our responsibility as freedom loving Latter-day Saints? Can the Constitution, and America, be saved? 

In the words of Jeffrey R. Holland: 

And a prophecy by President Benson regarding the future of the Star Spangled Banner and the Second Coming:

So we can see that the Lord will ensure the victory of liberty, but we must be willing to work for it. We must restore the balance of powers between the State and the Federal Government, we must root out the wicked, and most importantly, it must done peacefully if we want God to be on our side. 

Only with God's power will our land be freed from the power of these secret combinations. 

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